NOW WELCOMING NEW PATIENTS! Whether you have dental insurance or not, we are happy to welcome you to our office.
Visit our For Patients and Insurance pages to learn more.

Dental Hygienists

BreAnna, Dental Hygienist
Laura, Dental Hygienist
Michelle, Dental Hygienist

Dr. Matt Jugovich, DDS

Quality Family Dentistry
Pike Lake Dental Center is a modern dental office in Duluth, MN, that offers a full range of dental services. From preventive dental cleanings to cosmetic services, dental implants and sleep apnea treatments, we are practicing on the forefront of our field. Our staff is highly trained and compassionate. Whether you are looking to find the best care for your teeth or to improve your smile, we know your comfort is paramount. We welcome patients of all ages.

Call for an appointment today!

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