Social Media and the Modern Day Dental Office, Part One: Facebook

I remember signing up for a personal Facebook account in 2008. I really only joined Facebook to keep in contact with my friends who had moved out of state. Now, I feel Facebook is a vital link for me to much more than just my out of state friends. I am able to keep up […]
Kids and Toothbrushing: A Mom’s Scoop

Brushing your teeth for a full two minutes twice a day is extremely important. My kids have been known to go into the bathroom, “brush”, and return to their activity in less than 30 seconds. Either I’m raising the world’s fastest thorough toothbrushers, or I have extremely lazy kids sometimes when it comes to toothbrushing. […]
The Power of a Smile

Do you remember the last time someone smiled at you? What did the smile say? How did it make you feel? A smile is an instant connection between people. A smile can make a person feel welcomed or accepted. A smile may imply a mood such as happy or mischievous. A smile can even convey […]
Time Flies When You’re Cleaning Teeth

Many of you read Stephanie’s recent post about the history of Pike Lake Dental. As she mentioned, she began her employment there in 1998, and Dr. Matt purchased the practice in 1999. BUT … long before that … 1984, to be exact … a young, fresh out of school, wide eyed hygienist burst onto the […]
Are Dentists Typically Pack Rats?

In a word: YES!!! I pulled open a drawer in our office lab a couple months ago and found this note on a cardboard box containing a hand mirror. This is Monty’s handwriting. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw this – partly because I still miss Monty (who retired a year or so […]
Does Our Dental Technology Cost YOU More?

Absolutely not. It actually SAVES you time and money. I know that may be hard to believe, but let me explain… The technology inside Pike Lake Dental Center has changed over the years. We aren’t the same dental office Dr. Matt purchased back in 1999. We’ve slowly built our practice around technology, making us more […]
The Short Story of Pike Lake Dental Center, 1999-2018

When I started at Pike Lake Dental Center in 1998, I worked for Dr. Carter Johnson in the geodesic dome across the street from our current office location. Carter was ill with cancer the entire time we worked together. I remember him as being bald with a big smile, that he dry-brushed his teeth in […]
Thoughts About Teeth From a Dentist’s Wife

I often get asked about teeth because people know my husband is a dentist. Luckily, I rarely get the full, open mouth view with a finger pointing to a tooth in the grocery store. People usually save that treat for my husband. Trust me, that has happened before and not just once. All teasing aside, […]
Is an Electric Toothbrush Really That Amazing?

I’m sure you’ve seen television commercials and online advertising for electric toothbrushes that promise a superior clean and a fresh-from-the-dentist feeling in your mouth after using them. Is an electric toothbrush really that amazing? From my personal experience, absolutely! My husband is a dentist. I am extremely conscious of my teeth and I feel as […]
Sports and Energy Drinks: A Dental Perspective
With Memorial Day just around the corner, summer feels like it is finally on its way! The grass is growing, leaves are on the trees, flowers are blooming and summer sports season for our kids will soon be getting into full swing. Who doesn’t love a warm summer evening at the baseball or soccer field? […]