(218) 729-7270

(218) 729-7270

Hours: M-Th 8am-5pm 

Friday 8am-1pm

NOW WELCOMING NEW PATIENTS!         Whether you have dental insurance or not, we are happy to welcome you to our office.    Visit our For Patients and Insurance pages to learn more.

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Success: What Does It Mean for PLDC?

I recently saw this print on Facebook and ordered it for my husband as a gift. I thought it would be a great daily reminder to him (and me!) about what truly goes into running a successful business and being a successful person. Oftentimes, it’s easy for others to see only the success and not […]


How often have you denied yourself something, such as a new outfit or a beauty product, because you felt you just didn’t need it? Or maybe you felt you didn’t deserve it. Or maybe you’d feel guilty for having something like it because you consider it a frivolous expense. I know I’ve felt that way […]

What Do You Get When You Choose Pike Lake Dental Center?

Cassandra and Lisa delivering an Invisalign case.

You get dental professionals. We take our jobs seriously and enjoy what we do. We value continuing dental education and stay curious about dentistry. Patient confidentiality is ensured. We value you as a patient and we value your time. We are great at what we do and feel confident we can provide you and your […]

The Prescription Opioid Epidemic: How Our Office Has Reacted

While watching television the other night, my husband tuned to a documentary about the opioid epidemic our nation is facing. I half listened to the program while I was finishing up some work on the computer. The program got me thinking about how prescription medications have changed drastically for the dental community and, more specifically, […]

Time Flies When You’re Cleaning Teeth

Many of you read Stephanie’s recent post about the history of Pike Lake Dental. As she mentioned, she began her employment there in 1998, and Dr. Matt purchased the practice in 1999. BUT … long before that … 1984, to be exact … a young, fresh out of school, wide eyed hygienist burst onto the […]

Are Dentists Typically Pack Rats?

In a word: YES!!! I pulled open a drawer in our office lab a couple months ago and found this note on a cardboard box containing a hand mirror. This is Monty’s handwriting. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw this – partly because I still miss Monty (who retired a year or so […]

The Short Story of Pike Lake Dental Center

When I started at Pike Lake Dental Center in 1998, I worked for Dr. Carter Johnson in the geodesic dome across the street from our current office location. Carter was ill with cancer the entire time we worked together. I remember him as being bald with a big smile, that he dry-brushed his teeth in […]

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