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Brenda, Receptionist

Brenda, Receptionist

Brenda Joined Pike Lake Dental as a receptionist in September of 2022. Although new to the dental field, she has an outgoing and friendly rapport our patients already love. Brenda grew up in Kettle River and now lives in Saginaw with her husband. She is very proud to have two grown, respectful and responsible children and an adorable young grandson. Her favorite aspects about working at Pike Lake Dental are greeting and having conversations with people in our local community. She also enjoys the attitude of teamwork with her coworkers and also considers herself a team player. 

When asked about her happiest places to be, Brenda shares two: 1) raking hay with her tractor and 2) laying in the sun on a pontoon boat with a refreshing beverage in her hand, surrounded by her family. An avid outdoor enthusiast any time of the year, Brenda enjoys taking long walks, gardening, snowmobiling, canning jams and jellies, and sewing quilts.

What would Brenda’s dream job be? “My dream job would be to own a hobby farm with a variety of therapeutic animals. A farm where kids and/or adults could come and experience a relationship and companionship. It would also be rewarding going to children or veteran hospitals with therapeutic animals. I believe animals have a special way of being non-judgemental and accepting of people no matter their disabilities.”  

Until she starts her hobby farm, we are thankful Brenda is one of the first faces you will see upon entering our office. She is always friendly, helpful and professional on the phone or in person. We think you will enjoy interacting with her and getting to know her in the coming years.

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